How To Add Links to IG Stories?

Reading Time: ~1 Min | Written By: Anabel Blesch

person on phone. Apps screen on phone display

Long gone are the days of the Instagram story swipe-ups where only users with 10k+ followers could provide valuable links to viewers! Now Instagram has created a feature so all users can have equal access to sharing resources for products, education, services, and so much more with their ‘link sticker’ feature. To use this feature, follow the below steps!

Adding Links To Your Instagram Stories

  1. Go to your home page on Instagram

  2. Click the square with a plus sign and select “story”

  3. Select the image or video you’d like to post from your camera roll. Or use the camera feature to take your content.

  4. Go to the top right corner of the page and click the smile icon in a box. From there you’ll have many options of what stickers or interactive features you’d like to add.

  5. Click the “Link” option.

  6. Copy and paste your desired link into the link text section and then add your desired text.

Adding Links To Instagram Stories steps

You’re all set to share your story!

Try this feature out next time you post. Learn more tips with our 6-Week Program.


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