Google Analytics Conversions You Should Track

Reading Time: ~2 Mins | Written By: Cheryl Goeres

woman in home office working on laptop

Update: Starting July 1, 2023, businesses must transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) as Universal Analytics will no longer handle data processing.

Google Analytics is a great tool to help you understand your website’s performance. Part of your website’s performance includes important actions your website visitors are taking, such as, purchasing a product, filling out a form, or calling you. These are just a few of the actions you can track with Google Analytics.


If the primary purpose of your business is to sell products or services on your website, eCommerce conversions are crucial to track. Many eCommerce website platforms integrate with Universal Analytics (and soon GA4). To make sure your website is tracking all of the purchasing occurring on your website, you want to have Ecommerce Settings turned on. To do so, go to Admin > Ecommerce Settings (under View) and toggle it on.

If your business sells services online, for example, excursions, spa services, consultations, etc. you’ll want to track when someone completes their booking. Depending on how your website is set up, this can be done via your Ecommerce Settings, or you’ll want to track the Completed Booking Page as your conversion.

Lead Generation

If you have a phone number, email address, newsletter signups or contact forms on your website, you will want to track those in Google Analytics. These are very important conversions to track because they will give you insight into how often visitors are contacting you via your website, and where they are coming from to do so. You can then use this conversion data to create segments within Google Analytics to see which age group, genders, location and interest categories converting visitors fall into. 

Some websites have Chat popups and these are also great to track as conversions in your Google Analytics if the Chat provider has the integration. You should track chats started as well as chats ended to get an idea of how effective the chat function is on your website.

Start Tracking

Take a look through your website to find all of the conversions that are important to your business goals and start tracking them (ideally using Google Tag Manager). The sooner the better. Tracking conversions allows you to understand how effective your website is in helping you achieve your business goals. If you aren’t seeing the results you would like to, it’s time to evaluate how user friendly your website is and identify any potential navigation issues that may be affecting your performance. Not only will tracking conversions help you with your website’s performance, it will also help you determine the highest and lowest converting sources. Knowing this will allow you to allocate your marketing resources more effectively.

person placing a pen on a table. Table has money, notebook, laptop, and scissors

Are you looking to deepen your knowledge on Google Analytics and conversion tracking?

Check out our Digital Marketing Bootcamp.


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