Brooke Moir Receives Women in Digital Scholarship
Program Taken: Digital Marketing Bootcamp
Program Type: Bootcamp
Scholarship Earned: Women in Digital Scholarship
Key Skills Learned: Social Media, SEO, Google Ads, Facebook + Instagram Ads, Google Analytics, Public Relations skills & fundamentals
Q) What is your name? Are you currently working in the marketing industry?
Hi everyone! My name is Brooke Moir and I'm a Medical Assistant at BC Women's and Children's Hospital in Vancouver, BC, and I enrolled in Jelly Academy’s 6 Week Digital Marketing program because I'm looking to change career paths and Jelly Academy seemed like the perfect place to start my education.
Q) How was your experience with Jelly Academy?
My experience with Jelly Academy has taught me so much my brain is literally still exploding, but the tools that I have learned to help start and grow my small business and better build my brand awareness have been absolutely invaluable. I think that with the things that I have learned, I've already noticed small improvements as far as the things that I've applied with my applications, my insights, how to build my target audience, and overall, it's going to help me build deeper networks and connections within my community.
Q) What has been your favourite part of being a Jelly Academy student?
One of my favorite parts about the six-week digital marketing course was actually learning about Public Relations. I learned that there's a database where you can search up the journalists ahead of time, before you pitch them your idea for media coverage, so you can see their past work. You can see who their audience is, and what that looks like, and see if it's a good fit for you and a good fit for them before you waste your time or their time. It's an amazing tool I didn't even know existed and it blew my mind!
Q) Would you recommend this course to other interested students?
I 110% would recommend Jelly Academy to other students. Extremely flexible, so if there is a week that you missed class, they record all the sessions for you to review online if you need to go back on your own time. Every week, you also meet a different instructor so every topic that is taught is taught by an expert that is working in that field, so it's really neat to hear about their experience and how they started their careers versus where they're at now. 10 out of 10, go sign up right now, it's a no-brainer! I cannot wait to continue my education with Jelly Academy.
Our team of renowned industry experts leverage their real-world experiences to equip students with the skills for digital mastery. We provide everything necessary for success in digital marketing. Get in touch today!