What is Newsjacking? Building a Successful PR Strategy

Reading Time: ~2 Mins | Written By: Sydney Vardja

person talking into a megaphone

Newsjacking. It sounds like a fun term doesn’t it? Well, it is! Newsjacking is the process of adding your thoughts and opinions to breaking news stories. From a PR perspective, this process is invaluable for all brands. 

Sharing your opinion or expertise on a breaking news matter bears two important benefits. 

Prove Yourself as an Industry Expert

person in front of projector screen is conducting a presentation to people

The first is that your brand is able to prove itself as an industry expert. 

Let’s say you work for a beauty brand who recently launched a skincare line with all sustainable packaging. After months of researching materials and preparing for the launch, you see a study about sustainable packaging making headlines. It focuses on the challenges of switching to new materials, but the clear long-term benefits that follow.

Talk about perfect timing, right?

You and your team feel like you could write a novel on sustainable packaging at this point. So, why don’t you? Use your expertise to shine a new light on the headline. What can you contribute to this newsworthy conversation? Don’t just say you totally agree because that’s boring. Add a new angle or gently challenge one of the listed difficulties of switching to sustainable materials. After all, your team did it. This is newsjacking at its core. 

Stay on Top of Industry News

woman taking notes while looking at computer screen

The second benefit is that it shows that your brand is on top of industry news. You don’t just wait until other brands are starting a conversation. You’re at the forefront of it. This will further prove your dedication to your industry and its growth. 

But always be cautious when considering newsjacking. Not all news stories are going to relate to your brand and that’s okay. It’s normal, in fact. Know when your brand doesn’t relate to a headline. 

The Superbowl is this weekend? Fabulous. Maybe share a post to your socials about your team's plans to get together and watch. 

But don’t try to relate sustainable skincare packaging to Tom Brady. You’ll save yourself from audience confusion, and a loss of credibility. 

Always understand when your brand has merit to comment on breaking news. And when you absolutely do? Take advantage of it. Get your name in headlines and show that you’re interested in relevant topics, and even more, have valuable commentary to bring to the table. 

Newsjacking is an essential component of all PR strategies, but it’s not the sole element. 


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