Is Jelly Academy an accredited program?

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A common question that arises is whether or not Jelly Academy is accredited or not? While not officially accredited at this time we are one of the most ‘credited’ programs in Canada through the industry-recognized credentials the program provides. 

What Credentials do you Receive via Jelly Academy?

In addition to the overall course certification, which is an industry-recognized certification, you have the opportunity to complete the program with 11 additional credentials. In a more generalized Bachelor’s degree program (which would be considered accredited), you typically receive one overarching degree which is the summation of one topic or skill focus. Jelly Academy differs in that you walk away with various skills and credentials that are directly applicable to potential job roles. Both education formats are beneficial, but a digital marketing & skills-focused program like Jelly Academy is key for gaining the credentials needed to use the tools required to thrive in a digital marketing role  - making it a great addition to your existing degree or on its own. 


The credentials you receive via Jelly Academy are industry-recognized, using the tools that are applicable in the workforce right now. The certifications cover Facebook (Meta), Google, Hootsuite, SEMRush and more! Each of these platforms are globally recognized, and set to be relevant in the industry for years to come. 


Why Focus on Industry-Recognized over Accredited Programs?

‘Industry-Recognized’ holds a similar weight to ‘Accredited’, as these credentials have longevity and are globally acknowledged as qualifications for the workforce. This is important to focus on based on past experiences of other digital marketing programs becoming bankrupt and expiring, leaving students left with nothing to show post-graduation. This is why the additional, industry recognized credentials are so essential. 


While it may be a great label to verify course material, accreditation doesn’t always confirm the success of students either - CBC covers how universities aren’t keeping up with the demand of the job market and adjusting their materials accordingly. 

woman giving two thumbs up

While Jelly Academy is not accredited, we offer the knowledge, tools and resources to gain 11 digital marketing, industry-recognized credentials. Each instructor is an industry-professional with a wealth of knowledge and we ensure as a program, all course material is being verified and updated to be relevant. Check out the full course details to learn more!


Written by Anabel Blesch


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