Google Ads Audience Insights & How To Use Them

Reading Time: ~4 Mins | Written By: Cheryl Goeres

The Google Ads platform is filled with a variety of tools to help you get the most out of your advertising efforts. One of those tools is Audience Insights. Audience Insights provides detailed information about your audience, as well as potential audiences you could target with ads.

By utilizing this tool, you can refine your audience target for optimal ad performance. Here, we list five ways to use this tool and grow your business.

Woman in office working on computer

Find New Audiences

As a business (or marketer), you should be very familiar with your target audience. So, when you begin running ads, you use specific parameters to target that audience. But what if you’re missing additional audiences?

Using Google Ads Audience Insights, you can gain information on additional in-market and affinity audience segments you may be missing with your targeting. These insights will tell you the size of the audience along with the index score. The index score is the likelihood of that audience segment being in your audience list. The higher the score, the more likely you want to include these audiences in your targeting.

New Audiences - Google Ads

There are two ways to find your audience insights. At the campaign level, select Insights and scroll until you see an insight box called Audience Insight. You can also gain insights into the customer lists that you’ve uploaded. You can find these insights by going to Tools and settings > Audience manager > Your data insights.

Top Audiences - Google Ads

Get In-Depth Information On Your Top Audiences

Not only can your audience insights give you detailed information about different audience segments, but you can also break down your audience data by age, gender, household income, location and more. This gives you even more information on who your audience is.

If you’re a business advertising multiple products or services, you can use this information to determine which ones are the most popular amongst specific demographics.


Adjust Bids

Now that you have narrowed down which ages, genders, locations and devices make up your top-performing audience, what’s next? You can manually adjust your bids for these specific details to bid more aggressively. For example, you notice that females aged 35-44 who live in Vancouver have the highest conversion rates. You can manually adjust your bids for each of these details. By adding bid adjustments, you can give your ads more power in the Google Ads auction for someone who matches those specific demographic details.

Demographics - Google Ads

Adjusting bids for demographic information (such as age and gender) can be done at the campaign level by selecting Audiences and then expanding the Demographics table. There will be a Bid adj. column where you can manually adjust your bids. To do this for locations at the campaign level, select Locations and you will also see a Bid adj. Column.

Locations - Google Ads

Improve Creative Assets

For asset-based campaigns, such as Performance Max, Discovery, Search, and Video, you can find insights on how each of your assets is resonating with your audience. Based on the information you receive, you can use these insights to develop more assets similar to your best-performing ones.

At the campaign level, select Insights and scroll until you see an insight box called Asset Insight. Depending on the campaign, this may or may not be available.

Improve Creative Assets - Google Ads

Drive More Conversions

As you dive into your audience insights, you’ll get a good idea of the audiences bringing in the most conversions for your business. The Audience Insights (and Location) tables include the number of conversions, conversion rates, and cost per conversion. Use that data to put together a detailed audience that you can use for your ad targeting. Your ads will then be very likely to reach those who are most likely to convert on your website.

Audiences - Gender - Google Ads

You can also use this data to help build audiences for your other advertising efforts such as Facebook, TikTok, and other social media platforms.

two people in front of laptop talking

Google Ads Audience Insights is a very powerful tool and can help you grow your business. To learn more about Google Ads and other digital marketing tactics, check out Jelly Academy’s Digital Marketing Bootcamp.


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