Benefits of Google Ads for Small Businesses

Reading Time: ~2 Mins | Written By: Cheryl Goeres

Google Ads graphic

Advertising your business online allows you to deliver ads to people who are likely to be interested in your business. Google Ads uses targeting options such as keywords, location, devices, and more, to actively reach potential customers. Along with reaching new customers, you can be seen at the top of search engine results pages, control your spend, track results and grow your business. Read on to learn more about the benefits of Google Ads.

Reach New Customers

women holding credit car lying on bed

Google Ads utilizes keywords to help get your business seen when people are searching (ie. ‘Google-ing’) for products or services that your business provides. This allows you to be seen by potential customers who are actively searching for what you have to offer.

If your business provides a service, you can also use Google Ads to target people locally within your service area.

Be Seen at the Top of Search Results

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Working on your website’s SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can take a while to reach the top of the search results. Google Ads can get your business seen at the top of search results faster. (Note that it isn’t guaranteed that you will be at the top every time so it’s important that you’re bidding on the most relevant keywords for your business).

Control Spend

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There is no minimum spend to run ads on Google. You also have the ability to choose how much you want to spend per month. It is also a pay-per-click platform which means you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

Track Results

Since Google Ads is a pay-per-click platform, you’re able to track clickthrough rates, cost per click, ad spend, conversion rates and your return on investment (ROI).

By being able to track which ads are resulting in clicks and conversions, you can easily see where to invest your efforts for your ad campaigns. This will also help increase your ROI.

Grow your Business

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Google Ads allows you to be seen by people who may not have known about your business. The ability to land at the top of the search results helps increase your awareness which inturn helps you to grow your business.

person using laptop

Whether you are an eCommerce business or local service provider, Google Ads can help you reach the right people at the right time.

To learn more about how Google Ads can help grow your business, check out our 6-Week Digital Marketing Program.


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