Are Public Relations Jobs in Demand in Canada?

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3 women talking in board room

Public relations demand in Canada

About Public Relations 

Public relations is a communication process that builds relationships between brands and their target audience. It is all about influencing, engaging and building a relationship with key stakeholders in a company. Public relations contains some of the following disciplines:

  • Corporate Communications 

  • Crisis Communications 

  • Executive Communications 

  • Internal Communications 

  • Investor Relations Communications 

  • Marketing Communications 

  • Media Relations 

  • Content Creation 

  • Events 

  • Social Media 

  • Speechwriting 

  • Brand Journalism 

Qualifications Needed

woman in green graduation gown and cap

Qualifications needed in public relations

When seeking a job in public relations, there are some education credentials that future employers may look for on your resume. Education in Marketing Communications is highly sought after, as well as journalism. Arts and Business are other degrees that are helpful for a public relations career.  

Something to keep in mind as you’re working towards obtaining an education is the implementation of technology and how it is constantly advancing. The job market has changed drastically due to so much content moving online, including through social media, digital marketing, digital publications, and more.  Some skills that employers will look for when hiring a public relations professional are:

  • Strong communications skills

  • Interpersonal skills 

  • Capability to manage conflict 

  • Strategic thinker

The Demand For Public Relations Specialists in Canada

people sitting at table taking notes

Demand for public relations

Public relations firms across Canada bring in roughly $775 million in revenue each year and employ over 6,000 professionals. It can be predicted that 36,250 new job openings will be available in the public relations industry by 2026 (Konzelman, 2019)

The average salary in this field is roughly around 70,000 dollars a year.

Location of the Jobs Available

woman speaking in front of people in boardroom

Public relations job locations in Canada

When applying for public relations jobs, some places to keep in mind include advertising agencies, Public relations agencies, government agencies, non-profit organizations, corporations, and consulting firms. However, public relations roles can be found when working for brands and other private companies as well. 

Office chairs and desks on open space building. Person walking

Public relations job location

Want To Impress Your Future Employer?

Two woman talking at table. Table has laptop and notepad on it

Impress your future employer during the interview

When applying for jobs, there are a variety of skills employers look for. If you want to impress your future employer, the Jelly Academy 6 week program will supply you with the skills necessary to do so as we have a module that focuses specifically on PR.


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